To Be Continued with Cristela Alonzo


You might've ended up here because you're familiar with my Netflix stand-up specials "Lower Classy" or "Middle Classy." Maybe you were a fan of my sitcom "Cristela" or you saw "Cars 3" and thought, "I NEED to follow this yellow car!"

Look, ’m a homebody. I love plants, I build Lego sets and watch a lot of murder shows.

I also have lived a hell of a life. I was born in Texas and grew up in extreme poverty. My family squatted in an abandoned diner for the first seven years of my life. I moved to Los Angeles and lived in my car. I moved back home to help my sister raise her children and become my mother’s caretaker until she passed…all by the age of twenty-two.

I still somehow, made TV history and became the FIRST Latina to create, write and star in a TV show. The thing that got me there was my story. It was unlike anyone else’s and allows me to talk about life from a point of view that doesn’t get a lot of attention. I’m into current events. I struggle with anxiety and depression. Did I mention I love Lego sets?